Hockey Term 2 planner


Om ‘n omgewing te skep waar deelnemers hokkie kan geniet en kan sosialiseer met hul spanmaats en die wyer gemeenskap. Spelers ontwikkel ‘n passie en uitgebreide kennis van alle aspekte van die sport (individueel en spanvaardighede) en deursettingsvermoë om volgehoue sukses op hierdie vlak van sport te te behaal.


  • Voorsien gekwalifiseerde afrigting en ontwikkel individuele- en spanvaardighede.
  • Skep geleenthede vir spelers om op streeks- en provinsiale vlak gekies te word.
  • Ontwikkel leierseienskappe en mentorprogramme.
  • Skep lang- en korttermyn doelwitte, spanwerk en gesonde kompetisie (sportmanskap, respek vir mekaar, kommunikasie, ensovoorts).
  • Skep geleenthede waar terugvoering van die afrigter en spelers positief deurgegee kan word om optimale groei te verseker.
  • Skep geleenthede waar afrigters meer ondervinding kan kry in die sport en hulself tot die beste van hul vermoëns kan verbeter.
  • Ontwikkeling van toerusting en fondse vir afrigters en spelers, om afrigting en sukses te bevorder.

Maak asseblief seker dat u kind die korrekte klere, skeenbeskermers en mondskerm dra.

O/7 – O/9

Meisies: Groen kortbroekie en groen/geel hempie, groen/geel kouse en tekkies.
Seuns: Groen kortbroekie, groen/geel hempie, groen/geel kouse en tekkies.

O/10 – O/13

Meisies: Groen rompie met ‘hot pants’ en groen/geel hempie, groen/geel kouse en tekkies.
Seuns: Groen kortbroekie, groen/geel hempie, groen/geel kouse en tekkies.


  • Hokkiestok:  Die stok mag nie korter as die heupbeen en nie langer as die naeltjie wees nie.   Moenie ‘n groot stok koop met die verwagting dat u kind gou gaan groei nie. ‘n Stok wat nie die korrekte lengte is nie, sal u kind se ontwikkeling van hokkievaardighede belemmer.
  • Hokkiebal (“Dimple Ball”)
  • Skeenbeskermers
  • Mondskerm (Geen kind sal toegelaat word om sonder ‘n mondskerm te speel nie.)
  • Waterbottel
  • Al u kind se toerusting moet duidelik met sy/haar naam gemerk word.


  • Wedstryde vind Donderdae plaas.
  • U kind sal ‘n brief ontvang sodra ons die tye van die westryde bevestig het.
  • Indien u kind nie korrek aangetrek is nie, met hul skeenbeskermer en mondskerm, sal hulle NIE toegelaat word om die wedstryd te speel NIE.
  • Indien nodig, probeer asseblief om self vervoer vir u kind te reël.  Indien u nie vervoer kan reël nie, kontak u kind se afrigter so gou as moontlik.

Hokkie is ‘n wintersport en daarom sal oefeninge voortgaan. Indien dit hard reën, sal oefeninge teen 12:00 gekanselleer word vir U7 / U8 en teen 13:00 vir U9 tot U13. Kyk asseblief op die D6 vir kennisgewings.


Indien daar enige navrae ten opsigte van hokkie is, kontak:

U7 en U8 Seuns en Dogters: Mev Anri Viljoen –   
U9 – U13 Dogters: Mev Nicola van Eeden – 
U9 – U13 Seuns: Mnr Clinton Hill –


To provide an environment in which participants can enjoy their hockey and interact socially with teammates and the wider community. Team members will develop a thorough understanding of all aspects of hockey (individual and team skills) and a passionate commitment to doing what it takes to produce sustained success in sport at this level.


  • Provide quality training involving development of individual and team skills.
  • Provide an environment that enables and encourages players to earn selection into Regional and Provincial teams.
  • Develop team leadership and mentor programs.
  • Develop short and long-term team goals, team rules and a positive team culture (involving sportsmanship, respect for others, commitment, etc).
  • Establish regular coaching, player and team reviews to reflect on what works and where improvements should be made.
  • Encourage coaches to undertake coach education opportunities so they continually strive to improve.
  • Establish resources (financial, personnel) to fund and support coaches and player performance and training.


Please ensure that your child is correctly dressed and that he/she wears his/her shin pads and gum guard.

U/7 – U/9

Girls: Green shorts, green/yellow shirt, green/yellow socks and takkies
Boys: Green shorts, green/yellow shirt, green/yellow socks and takkies

U/10 – U/13

Girls: Green skirt with hot pants, green/yellow shirt, green/yellow socks and takkies
Boys: Green shorts, green/yellow shirt, green/yellow socks and takkies


  • Hockey stick:  The stick must not be shorter than the head of the femur and not longer than the belly button.  Don’t buy a big stick, hoping that your child will grow into it.  A stick that is not the right size will hamper the development of your child’s hockey skills.
  • Dimple hockey ball (not a smooth one) for practising at home; it is not necessary to bring a ball to practices.
  • Shin pads
  • Gum guard (no child will be allowed to play without a gum guard).
  • Bottle of water.
  • All your child’s equipment must be clearly marked with his/her name.


  • Matches take place on a Thursday.
  • You will receive a letter/email with all the details as soon as we have confirmation of fixtures.
  • If your child is not dressed correctly, with shin pads and a mouth guard, they WILL NOT be allowed to play the match.
  • Please try to arrange transport for your child should it be necessary.  If you are unable to arrange transport, please contact his/her coach timeously.

Hockey is a winter sport and therefore practices will continue as far as possible.  Should the weather be very bad, practices will be cancelled by 12:00 for U7 / U8 and 13:00 for U9 to U13.  Please check for alerts on School Communicator.



Should you have any queries or require any further information about hockey, please contact:

U7 and U8 Boys and Girls: Mrs Anri Viljoen – 
U9 – U13 Girls: Mrs Nicola van Eeden –
U9 – U13 Boys: Mr Clinton Hill –