Back from left to right:  Petra Steyn, Mirizca Theron, Elmien Fillipi, Janine Vos-Barrows, Adri van Wyk and Retha Stodart. Front from left to right: Etienne Fourie, Albertha Filter, Nelmarie Strydom, Florence Stassen, Richelle Coetzer and Stanley Hill.

We believe that music tuition in our school not only contributes to the establishment of a healthy balance between the physical, academic and aesthetic aspects of the development of our learners but that the disciplines associated with it (intellectual, physical, educational and creative), can also play a positive role in other spheres of their education as well as in later life.

It is for this reason that we try to fulfil as many needs as possible as far as instrumental tuition is concerned, both in the serious and lighter genres. Because we believe in whole school development, it is important to us that even those who cannot take part in the instrumental tuition program should be introduced to the world of music through the Performing Arts (part of the subject, Life Skills).  It is here that we seriously attempt to emphasize the value of the aesthetic side of life as well as the way it contributes to the development of life skills in general.

We currently have twelve educators in the music department. We offer a wide variety of music activities.

Opportunities to perform in front of an audience are offered during assemblies and other concerts such as our Classical Collage concerts every term, as well as the light music concerts with the keyboard, Ukulele, Guitar and Microphone singing learners. Every three to five years the school stages a musical production when the learners are given the opportunity to demonstrate their special talents in the performing arts and are initiated into the world of show business.