NETBALL Practise Days and Times 2024

NETBALL Term Three Planner 2024


At Kenridge, it is our vision to develop enthusiastic and competent netball players.


  • To provide a safe, supportive, fun-filled and structured environment in which skilled coaches expose players to current coaching techniques.
  • To promote social interaction with teammates and the wider community.
  • To develop life skills and characteristics such as commitment, loyalty, self-discipline, responsibility, caring, fairness and good sportsmanship.
  • To develop the skills of our coaches to ensure that our players have the benefit of excellent coaching and umpiring skills.
  • To provide equal opportunities for U/11, U/12 and U/13 players to be selected for Inter-regional and Inter-district teams.
  • To organise coaching clinics for all age groups.
  • To encourage participation of all teams (where possible) in tournaments and festivals.
  • To source financial support to fund and support coaches and player development.
  • To maintain positive parental support and assistance.


Dit is, by Kenridge, ons visie om entoesiastiese en bedrewe netbalspelers te ontwikkel.


  • Om ‘n veilige, ondersteunende, genotvolle, asook gestruktureerde omgewing te kweek waarin spelers blootgestel word aan huidige afrigtingstegnieke deur bekwame afrigters.
  • Om sosiale interaksie met spanmaats en die wyer gemeenskap aan te moedig.
  • Om lewensvaardighede en karaktereienskappe soos toegewydheid, lojaliteit, self-dissipline, verantwoordelikheid, omgee, regverdigheid en goeie sportmanskap te ontwikkel.
  • Om afrigters se vaardighede te ontwikkel om sodoende ons dogters van uitstekende afrigting asook skeidsregtersvaardighede te verseker.
  • Om O/11-, O/12- en O/13-spelers gelyke geleenthede te bied om gekies te word vir Interdistrik- en streekspanne.
  • Om afrigtingsklinieke te organiseer vir alle ouderdomsgroepe.
  • Om deelname van alle spanne (waar moontlik) in toernooie en feeste aan te moedig.
  • Om finansiële ondersteuning te verkry vir die ontwikkeling van spelers en afrigters.
  • Om positiewe ouerondersteuning en bystand te behou.



The courts are situated by the main gate. The courts are situated by the swimming pool.
Court 1 Court 2 Court 3 Court 4 Court 5 Court 6
Monday 13:30 – 14:30 8AB 8CD 8EF 7AB 7CD 7EF
14:30 – 15:30 12AB 12CD 12EF 13AB 13CD 13EF
15:30 – 17:00 10AB 10CD 10EF 11AB 11CD 11EF
Tuesday 13:30 – 14:30 8AB 8CD 8EF 7AB 7CD 7EF
14:30 – 15:30 9AB 9CD 9EF 11AB 11CD 11EF
15:30 – 17:00 12AB 12CD 12EF 13AB 13CD 13EF
Wednesday 14:00 – 17:30 MATCH DAYS
Thursday 13:30 – 14:30
14:30 – 15:30 10AB 10CD 10EF 9AB 9CD 9EF
15:30 – 16:30

Dress code

Please ensure that all players are dressed appropriately in the correct Kenridge uniform.

U/7 – U/9

Players must wear their PE Clothes: Green Kenridge shirt with green Kenridge shorts and white socks with appropriate netball takkies.

U/10 – U/13

Players must wear their green Kenridge shirt, a green Kenridge skirt and green hot pants (compulsory) with white socks and appropriate netball takkies.
Players are welcome to practise in tracksuits however they will not be allowed to play matches with their tracksuits on.


Matches are played on Wednesdays.
Should there be a rain forecast and matches postponed due to rain, Thursdays and Mondays may be used to catch up.
You will receive an email with details as soon as we have confirmation of fixtures.
School transport is available for matches but we urge parents only to use this when necessary.


Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact:
Mini-Netball: Masadi Steyn

Junior Netball: Chrisna Le Roux