Tuition in acoustic solo singing is not offered by the school’s music department permanently. However, we would like to allow talented pupils to participate in the Eisteddfod. The music staff will therefore only assist the learners for the few months before the Eisteddfod. The educators must provide extra time for this despite extremely full timetables, which already include tuition after school.

We focus on correct posture, breathing, voice projection, tone quality, intonation and musicality.

The following criteria will be used when entering learners for solo singing:


Learners will only qualify for entering the Eisteddfod if they are members of one of the two school choirs and attend choir practices diligently.

The educators will use their discretion when selecting learners to enter, depending on their talent, their contribution towards the choir of which they are members as well as the time available to the educators. The learners will also have to be available for practice during break times and after school.

The fact that your child has been entered for one particular year, does not necessarily mean that this will be the case every year, as we would sometimes prefer to give all of our talented learners the opportunity of taking part.

Educators: Nelmarie Strydom (Grade 2 & 3)

Mirizca Theron (Grade 4 & 5)

Florence Stassen (Grade 6 & 7)